What is DIN-KYC?
A DIN (Director Identification Number) is a unique identification number provided to all individuals who are willing to be at a Director position in a company. Designated partners of an LLP are also qualified to get a DPIN. A DIN is obtained via e-Form DIR 3. Earlier, KYC was not a separate compliance. Every individual having DIN/DPIN has to complete the KYC for all Companies in single eForm DIR-3 KYC.
But after an update from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, every individual having DIN/DPIN now have to submit their KYC details in eForm DIR 3 every year.
Compliance Rules w.r.t DIN-KYC
As mandated by Rule 12A of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014, all individuals who have been allotted DIN as on 31st March of the Financial Year has to submit eForm DIR-3 KYC to the Central Government on or before 30th September of the immediate proceeding Financial Year.
However, where an individual has already submitted the eForm DIR-3 KYC in relation to any previous Financial Year, he / she is required to submit WEB form DIR-3 KYC through a web service available on the MCA website under “MCA Services”, in relation to any subsequent Financial Year. For this purpose, a director is required to enter and verify the OTPs sent on his/her mobile and email. If there is a change in the details of the director like name, address, etc, then such changes have to be reported through eForm DIR-3 KYC.
DIN-KYC is applicable even if the holder is not holding any active directorship, but wishes to continue with a DIN status as Active.
If a Director fails to comply with the above rule and cannot submit their DIN-KYC details in set time, the Central Government shall deactivate the Director Identification Number (DIN) of that individual. The DIN will then be marked as ‘deactivated’ with reason as ‘non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’.
The Director can then re-activate their DIN by duly submitting e-Form DIR 3 KYC/WEB Form DIR-3 KYC along with a late fee of ₹5,000.
DIN-KYC Requirements
1. Nationality details
2. Citizenship details including gender, DOB etc.
3. Copy of PAN Card
4. Copy of Passport (compulsory for foreign directors)
5. Copy of Driving License, if any
6. Copy of Aadhaar card, if any
7. Personal Mobile and Email ID (should be unique for every individual)
8. Copy of Voter card, if any
9. Copy of Permanent and Present Residential Address
10. Valid DSC
Further, proofs attached to the form are required to be self-attested by Director as well as either by practicing CA, CS, CMA.
Steps to complete the DIN-KYC
Download the form
Download the e-Form DIR 3 KYC form from the MCA website.
Updation of DIN details
Directors must fill in the DIN in the KYC form, having the status as ‘Approved’. Director having deactivated DIN due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC can fill the form with late filing charges.
PAN Verification and other details
PAN verification is mandatory. The PAN added in the form should match with the PAN mentioned in the digital signature certificate. For foreign directors who won’t have a PAN, the name must match with the one mentioned in the DSC for successful authentication. Further, kindly insert mandatory details as mentioned in the form.
Attachments of required documents
Evidentiary proofs to be attached to the form as stated hereinabove in 1.3.
1.4.5 Authentication of e-Form
Director must get the e-Form authenticated (digitally signed) by a practicing CA / CS / Cost Accountant. This is a crucial step to be completed at all costs.
Verification of OTP
After due mention of every detail, a Director will now need to verify an OTPs. At this stage, only non-residing directors can enter country codes other than +91/91/0. Kindly note that an OTP will be sent to the mobile number and email address separately for only 10 times per day and twice in 30 minutes for one form.
SRN Generation
Once the e-Form DIR-3 KYC is submitted successfully, a unique Service Request Number is generated and allotted to the director for further correspondence with the MCA.
Email communication
The applicant will receive an email that acknowledges the receipt of the form on his personal email ID.
If you need any further assistance in DIN-KYC or with document attestation for DIR 3 KYC form, get in touch.